How to Write Proposals that Get Funded
Donors will give money to meet
their needs and interests, not yours.
The name of the game is to find a good marriage.
To do so, you have to do front
end analyses. You want to research foundations' patterns of giving,
geographical restrictions, and areas of interest.
Four Top Reasons why Proposals Do Not Get Funded
1. Funding source does not believe you understand the
2. Funding source does not believe in your solution
3. Funding source does not believe in your qualifications
4. Funding source does not believe or trust your budget
Foundations and state and national government agencies issue RFP's
(requests for proposals).
1. A PROPOSAL is a representation of your program. - “You
never get a second chance to make a first impression.” No misspelled words, no white out. Accurate,
crisp, clean.
2. A PROPOSAL is a request. - Don't forget to ask for the
money. Don't beg. Don't be arrogant.
3. A PROPOSAL is persuasion.
4. A PROPOSAL is a promise. - Don't promise what you cannot
deliver. Deliver more than you promised.
5. A PROPOSAL is a plan.
Other do's and don't’s:
DO set up a personal appointment
before you write the proposal, especially if seeking money from a corporation.
DO follow directions
exactly! Leave no space blank, put N/A.
If they say “Write a 300 word description,”
write a 300 word description.
You DON'T have to be the low
Fundraising is an important part
of the program planning process.
Obviously, sufficient funds to operate a project are essential to its
success. However, requesting money from
a foundation is not the first step.
Before making a formal request
for money, an organization must have a clear idea of its project. Writing a proposal for the project helps
staff organize ideas and concepts and develop them into an effective
program. A well written proposal should
describe the importance of and need for the project as well as outline the
organization's specific plans for implementing it.
A foundation receives many
requests for money from a variety of organizations for a range of project
ideas. All the proposals compete for the
limited amount of money available from the funding agency. Before awarding a grant, a foundation
determines the value of the proposed initiative. In order to increase the chances for serious
consideration, it is very important that a proposal contain detailed and
organized information about the project.
For example, it is unlikely that
a foundation will consider a vague request for money to provide sex education
and information to out-of-school youth.
On the other hand, a foundation will be more interested in a proposal
that describes the need for such a program and outlines the objectives,
strategies, staffing and specific budget.
Such information assists the foundation in assessing the project and in
making a final decision about funding it.
Every foundation has special
areas of interest and usually only funds programs that address these
interests. Therefore, it is important
that an organization research the philosophy of a foundation to determine the
potential interest in funding a certain project. Needless to say, it would be a poor use of
time to prepare a proposal to establish an adolescent family planning clinic
and submit it to a funder primarily concerned with agricultural development.
Most general interest libraries,
at a university for instance, will have information about foundations. In addition, regional or national family
planning associations might also have information useful to those researching
foundations with such interests. Once
program managers have identified a funder or funders centrally concerned with
their issue, they should write to the agency or agencies to request additional
information, such as an annual report, funding guidelines, etc. This type of information can provide a
clearer idea of the typical nature of projects a foundation funds, the average
amount awarded, etc. Program personnel
can use these materials to make a proposal relevant to the interests of a
foundation and to request a reasonable amount of money.
Similarly, each foundation has
its own requirements for submitting proposals.
It is recommended that program personnel also learn about the specific
procedures and adapt the proposal accordingly before making a request for
There are, however, some general
guidelines which apply when writing any proposal. Briefly, "keep the written proposal
short and clear.” State at the outset
what is to be accomplished, who expects to accomplish it, how much it will cost,
and how long it will take."
The following section describes
the basic components that one should keep in mind when writing a proposal.
I. The Components of a Proposal
1. Summary
This section provides a concise
overview of the entire proposal.
However, it is not an integral part of the formal proposal. The summary
should appear on a separate sheet of paper before the text begins. It should include
information on the organization, problem or need, project duration, objectives,
strategies or methods, and the total funds requested. Although it is at the beginning of the
proposal, this section should be written after the proposal itself it written.
2. Introduction
The introduction is a brief
profile of the organization submitting the proposal. It states the agency's background, purpose,
and qualifications for conducting the proposed project. The introduction can also include
endorsements from other agencies.
Example: Established in 1977, the Family Planning Center (FPC) is a
private, nonprofit organization. The
primary purpose of FPC is to provide reproductive health-related information
and services to all population sectors of City X, Y and...
3. Problem or Needs Statement
The statement describes the
problem the proposed project intends to address. It offers proof of the need for the program
and should include statistics and other factual documentation.
Example: Statistics indicate that
adolescents are not receiving adequate family planning information and services
to meet their special sexuality-related needs.
Whereas the overall pregnancy rate in City X has declined by 5% since
1977, there has been a steady increase in the incidence of pregnancy among
young women aged 15-19...
4. Program Objectives
This section lists the expected
outcomes, or results, of the proposed project.
The objectives are possible solutions to the stated problem or
need. They should be "measurable:
an observer must be able to see, count, perceive results; and realistic: that
is, achievable."
o To
provide family planning information and services to at least 600 young people
attending the adolescent clinic.
o To
train at least 20 young people to serve as peer counselors at the adolescent
5. Methods
The methods section, or program
plan, explains in detail how the organization intends to accomplish the stated
objectives. In other words, this section
discusses in detail the project activities and how, by whom, and when they will
be carried out during the project.
Recruit and select at least 20 adolescents who are willing to serve as peer
counselors at the clinic.
o Conduct
three half-day training sessions for the peer counselors.
6. Evaluation
This section describes how the
progress and success of the program will be measured. Evaluation strategies will depend in part on
an individual foundation's requirements as well as on the nature of the
project's objectives.
Example: At the time of the first
visit, each client will be asked to complete a questionnaire, anonymously,
requesting information about the purpose of their visit. After three months, the answers will be
analyzed to determine the extent to which existing services meet the client's
stated needs.
7. Other and Future Funding
In many cases, a foundation will
only grant partial funding for a project.
Nevertheless, funders are interested in an organization's other sources
of money, for both current and future program activities. The other and future component outlines an
organization's plans to obtain alternate and additional funds to conduct other
aspects of the project and/or to continue the project after the proposed grant
Example: The Family Planning Center has received a
grant for $10,000 from the CDE Foundation to cover general operating costs of
the project. For the second project
year, staff will seek funds from local community sources…
8. Budget
This section is an important
component of the proposal. The budget "should be a realistic estimate of
all costs involved in implementing and operating the project Cost estimates
should be broken down into logical categories, such as salaries, supplies,
rent, etc." A budget not only
outlines how the requested funds will be spent, but also how the money received
from other sources will be allocated.
ABC Foundation
Share of Budget Other Sources
Share of Budget
9. Salaries
Director (full-time) $4000.00 $1000.00
Asst. Director (full-time)
2800.00 700.00
Nurse (half-time) 1500.00 0.00
Total Salaries $8300.00 $1700.00
10. Appendices
A proposal should be
concise. Appendices provide the
opportunity to include additional supportive information without making the
text of the proposal long and disjointed.
Such attachments might include the results of a preliminary needs
assessment survey, the organization's annual report, and staff biographies.
11. Cover Letter
A short cover letter should be
sent with the proposal when it is submitted to the funding agency. In the
letter, the organization asks the foundation to consider the proposal, briefly
summarizes the purpose of the project, states the amount requested, and
suggests follow-up action (e.g., meetings, more information to be sent, etc.).
II. Checklist of the Components of a Proposal
Section B describes the
components of a proposal. This section
provides a "checklist" of what should be included under each
The following list has been
adapted and revised from the "Proposal Checklist and Evaluation
Form," developed by the
Grantsmanship Center.* Proposal
writers can refer to the list to ensure that their proposals encompass all the
typical characteristics.
1. Summary
Appears at the beginning of the
proposal; is interesting; clearly, concisely, and briefly summarizes request.
1. Identifies the grant applicant
2. Includes at least one sentence on the organization's
3. Includes at least one sentence on the problem
4. Includes at least one sentence on objectives
5. Includes at least one sentence on methods
6. Includes total cost, funds already obtained and amount
requested in the proposal.
2. Introduction
Describes the applicant agency
and its qualifications for funding; is brief, interesting, and free of jargon;
leads logically to the problem statement.
o Clearly
establishes who is applying for funds
o Describes
applicant agency purposes and goals, programs and activities, and clients or
o Provides
evidence of the applicant's accomplishments (with statistics, if possible)
o Possibly
offers quotes/endorsements in support of accomplishments
o Supports
qualifications in area of activity in which funds are sought (e.g., research,
3. Problem Statement of Needs Assessment
Relates to purposes and goals of
applicant agency; is of reasonable dimensions, makes a compelling case; makes
no unsupported assumptions; is brief, interesting, and free of jargon.
o Is
supported by statistical evidence and/or statements from authorities
o Is
stated in terms of clients' needs and problems, not the applicant's.
4. Program Objectives
Describes program outcomes in
measurable terms; are outcomes, not methods.
o At
least one objective for each problem or need committed to in problem statement.
o Describes
the population that will benefit
o States
the time by which objectives will be accomplished
5. Methods
Describes activities to be
conducted to achieve the desired objectives; presents a reasonable scope of
activities that can be conducted within the time and resources of the program.
o Flows
naturally from problems and objectives
o Clearly
describes program activities and reasons for the selection of activities
o Describes
sequence of activities
o Describes
staffing of program
o Describes
clients and client selection
6. Evaluation
Presents a plan for determining
the degree to which objectives are met and methods are followed.
o Presents
a plan for evaluating accomplishments of objectives
o Presents
a plan for evaluating and modifying methods over the course of the program
o Tells
who will be doing the evaluation and how they were chosen
o Clearly
states criteria of success
o Explains
how data will be gathered and any test instruments or questionnaires to be used
o Describes
the process of data analysis
o Describes
any evaluation reports to be produced
7. Other and Future Funding
Describes a plan for continuation
beyond the grant and/or the availability of other resources necessary to
implement the grant. a.
o List
other sources of funding committed to project
o Presents
a specific plan to obtain other needed and future funding if program is to be
o Is
accompanied by letters of commitment, if necessary
8. Budget
Clearly delineates costs to be
met by the funding source and those provided by other parties; is detailed in
all aspects.
o Tells
the same story as the proposal narrative
o Contains
no unexplained amounts for miscellaneous or contingency
o Includes
all items asked of the funding source
o Includes
all items paid for by the other sources
o Details
fringe benefits, separate from salaries
o Includes
all consultants
o Separately
details all non-personnel costs
o Includes
indirect costs (overhead) where appropriate
o Is
sufficient to perform task described in the narrative
III. Conclusions
As previously mentioned, an
organization seeking funds for a project should learn as much as possible about
a foundation and its grant-making procedures before submitting a proposal. The
final presentation should conform to an individual funding agency's requirements.
While the format may differ, the
basic content of any proposal includes similar information. These standard components have been outlined
in Sections B. and C. of this document.
The Council of Michigan Foundations offers some additional general
suggestions to follow when preparing a proposal:
1. Write as simply and clearly as possible. Avoid using
slang or phrases that are not commonly understood or that could be easily
2. Keep the proposal as short as possible while still
maintaining the substance. Remember to
try to match your interests with those of foundation.
3. Avoid broad or sweeping statements. Issues, problems and
needs should be stated as accurately and factually as possible.
4. Test the proposal on others not familiar with it before
5. Be prepared to rethink and rewrite the proposal.
Obtaining funds to implement of
projects is not an easy task. Foundations
consider many requests for funds, and they base their grant award decisions on
the proposals they receive. It is to the
benefit of the organization to take time to research and prepare a solid,
well-written proposal. The above
guidelines can assist project staff in writing a proposal, an important aspect
of fundraising.
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