Most international businesses are still not very
aware of Africa’s investment opportunities. Information costs are high:
Africa is fragmented into many different countries, and even in
aggregate the continent is a fairly small economy. For several decades,
investor ignorance did not matter: with few exceptions Africa’s
economies were too badly run for there to be many opportunities for
firms of integrity. But there has been a sea change—Africa is on the
move. There will be ups and downs, but investors from the countries of
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) who
remain set in their ways may be missing a giant business opportunity if
they fail to pay attention to the changes afoot.
The situation in Africa quietly began to change during the period
1995–2005. Profound macroeconomic reforms tamed inflation and opened
economies to international trade. More patchily, the regulatory
environment facing international business also improved. Public ratings,
such as the World Bank’s Doing Business surveys, enabled African
governments to benchmark their performance and began to put pressure on
those that were recalcitrant. As the global commodity boom built to its
2008 crescendo, many African countries were well positioned to harness
the spike in their export revenues for growth beyond the resource
extraction sector itself.
That upturn in national growth rates was mirrored in the increased
profitability of companies operating in Africa. Indeed, three distinct
sources of data indicate that returns on investment are higher there
than in other regions. One was a comprehensive study of the publicly
traded companies operating in Africa for the period 2002–07, mostly in
the manufacturing and services sectors. It found that these companies’
average return on capital was around two-thirds higher than that of
comparable companies in China, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Another
source, on the foreign direct investment of US companies, showed that
they were getting a higher return on their African investments than on
those in other regions. Finally, analysis of a series of surveys of
several thousand manufacturing firms around the developing world found
that, at the margin, capital investment had a higher return in Africa.1
This was the scene in the years leading up to the global crisis.
Although its origins had nothing to do with the continent, the crisis
did not bypass Africa. Its effect was to collapse commodity prices—for
example, the price of oil initially tumbled by more than $100 a barrel.
More subtly, the international appetite for risk collapsed, and since
Africa is still generally viewed as the riskiest region, investors got
scared; for example, international banks curtailed letters of credit to
African exporters far more drastically than to those in other regions.
These effects were severe. However, with a few exceptions—inevitable in a
region with so many countries—Africa weathered the economic storms
well. Led by its two largest economies, South Africa and Nigeria, most
countries had built prudent fiscal positions: in a remarkable break with
its past, Nigeria had freed itself from debt and built up over $70
billion of foreign-exchange reserves. Further, the adverse impact of the
crisis through commodity prices lasted less than a year for Africa.
Globally, commodity prices rapidly bounced back and seem to have
stabilized around levels markedly higher than those in the decades
before the boom, underwritten by growing Asian economies and their
corresponding need for commodities.
Revenues from commodity exports have been augmented not just by high
prices but also by the resource discoveries that high prices have
triggered. Yet the recent discoveries are merely the beginning: the
scale of what is likely to happen is not widely appreciated. As I show
in The Plundered Planet, Africa is the last major region on Earth
that remains largely unexplored. In the long-explored countries of the
OECD, the average square kilometer of territory still has beneath it
around $114,000 of known subsoil assets, despite two centuries of
intense extraction. In contrast, the average square kilometer of
sub-Saharan Africa has a mere $23,000 of known sub-soil assets. It is
highly unlikely that this massive difference is due to a corresponding
difference in what is actually there. Rather, the difference in known
assets is likely to indicate an offsetting difference in what is
awaiting discovery.
It is reasonable to suppose that what is actually under the soil in the
average square kilometer of Africa is at least as valuable as what is
known still to be available in the OECD. An implication is that once
these untapped resources have been discovered, Africa’s commodity
exports will be around five times their present level. In turn, this has
three profound implications. One is that many of the countries in which
resources are discovered will be those that currently are not
significant resource exporters: the economic map of Africa will change
quite drastically as new opportunities open. A second is that such a
radically higher level of commodity exports across the region will
support correspondingly larger economies. The final implication is that
in the process of getting to this much higher level, Africa will have a
prolonged phase of rapid growth.
Now for the reality check. During the commodity booms of the 1970s,
Africa also had a wave of resource discoveries. With a few exceptions,
most notably Botswana, these opportunities were not harnessed for
transformative growth. Indeed, the more common experience was an ugly
and costly political contest for control of the revenues. If history
repeats itself, the forthcoming much larger wave of resource discoveries
in Africa will leave a legacy of scarred landscapes and scarred lives.
Yet the contrast between Nigeria’s dysfunctional management of its first
oil boom of 1973–83 and its brilliant management of the second boom of
2003–08 cautions against the gloomy cynicism that until recently
bedeviled investor thinking about Africa. The road to economic
transformation is undoubtedly likely to be a bumpy one, but many African
societies have learned both from their own histories and from the
prosperity of other once-poor countries. Unlike the externally dictated
structural-adjustment programs of the 1980s, the key struggles over
economic policy will be internal to African societies. They will not all
be won, but nor will they all be lost: some societies will decisively
adopt progrowth economic strategies.
To date, Africa has lacked the spectacular regional role models of
economic success that so benefited Asia. But it is now starting to get
them. Even in Rwanda, a landlocked, crowded country lacking in natural
resources, a leadership committed to economic transformation has been
able to sustain a growth rate of 10 percent. In some of the countries
with more favorable fundamentals, even faster growth rates will be
sustained. Such successes will have a profound influence on the
neighbors, just as occurred in Asia.
As in Asia, I doubt that there will be a close correspondence between
the struggles for democracy and the struggles for economic
transformation. The struggles for democracy do indeed have an important
economic dimension: many African rulers have accumulated excessive
personal power and abused it to sacrifice the common good of national
prosperity for narrow sectional self-interest. But more recently, some
African leaders, such as President Museveni of Uganda, President Kagame
of Rwanda, and Prime Minister Meles of Ethiopia, have built strong
credentials for a commitment to the economic transformation of their
societies while being somewhat hesitant democrats. Some of Africa’s
coming economic successes will be in societies that have won the
struggle for accountable democratic government. But others will be in
societies in which autocratic leaders have become ambitious for national
goals rather than merely for power and privilege; expect some African
repetitions of Malaysia’s experience.
To date, Africa has lacked the spectacular regional role models of economic success that so benefited Asia. But it is now starting to get them.
Africa’s economic potential extends well beyond commodity exporting. Per
capita GDP in China is already above the global average, so its days as
the low-wage factory of the world are limited. Africa will soon be the
last remaining major low-wage region. It has an enormous coastline, more
proximate to both European and North American markets than Asia is.
Over the past three decades, offshoring shifted labor-intensive
manufacturing from the OECD countries to Asia. In the next decade,
expect the same process to begin shifting these activities from Asia to
Africa. Contrary to fears that the “Dutch disease”2
must inevitably make nonresource exports uncompetitive, the Asian
examples of Malaysia and Indonesia have demonstrated that successful
exporting of natural resources can be entirely compatible with
successful exporting of light manufactures.
From African independence, beginning in the early 1960s, until around
the turn of the millennium, the OECD prospered while Africa stagnated. A
legacy of this divergent experience is that OECD investors are
skeptical of Africa’s future. Their skepticism is not shared by the new
entrants to international investment, who missed this sorry phase of
African economic performance. It may be that Africans will use their
history to learn from it, while OECD investors end up being trapped by
it. Africa may be on the cusp of a reversal of fortunes. Indeed, Africa
is now growing markedly more rapidly than the OECD. A future of
continued rapidly rising prosperity for the OECD looks less assured than
it did before the global crisis, whereas several decades of high growth
look to be quite a likely scenario for Africa. At present, the typical
investment portfolio has massive exposure to the OECD countries and
negligible exposure to Africa. This looks unlikely to be appropriate for
the coming decades.
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