The Quality in Qualitative Methods
Quality concerns play a central role throughout all steps of the research
process in qualitative methods, from the inception of a research question and
data collection, to the analysis and interpretation of research findings. For
instance, the type of instrument or procedure to collect data may be evaluated
in relation to quality criteria, and these may be different from those which
are used to judge the data obtained from such instruments or procedures. All
these may yet again be different from quality criteria that may apply to the
qualitative analyses of data. A national resource center for qualitative
methods can contribute to the establishment and maintenance of certain quality
standards. In this article, we will explore some of these quality criteria and
how they can be established and maintained by a national resource center for
qualitative methods.
Key words: quality assessment,
validity, reliability, secondary data analysis, archiving
of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Quality in Qualitative Methods
2.1 Conceptualization of a research
2.2 Data collection
2.3 Data quality
2.4 Internal consistency
2.5 Additional remarks on probes and a
2.6 Data analysis and interpretation
2.7 Quality of analysis and
2.8 Validity and sorting
2.9 Sorting
2.10 Sorting of what?
3. The Contributions of a Resource
4. Conclusions
this article, we will explore various quality criteria for qualitative methods
and how some of these can be maintained by a national resource center and data
archive. To accomplish this, we will first establish a selection of quality
criteria for qualitative methods. We will also examine which of these criteria
can be more effectively pursued by a national resource center, while others
ought to be left to the discretion of researchers. [1]
qualifying remarks are necessary here. First, we do not believe that the
quality of qualitative research can be encapsulated a priori within a set of
rigid rules. However, this does not mean that quality criteria do not apply to
studies in the so-called qualitative tradition. In other words, certain
guidelines may help improve either the quality or the credibility of research
results, while their adoption does not automatically guarantee these. Second,
good qualitative research design is not dependent on the existence of a
national resource center. Instead, such a center should facilitate the
appropriate application of data collection, documentation, and analysis. It
should serve as a flexible and adaptable information and training center, but
not attempt to define the research landscape by setting methodological agendas
or suggesting universally valid procedures. As such, its credo should be that
there are no bad methods, only inappropriate or misapplied methods. [2]
if interviews and focus groups are merely local accomplishments, ephemeral and
context-bound elaborations of meaning between interactors? And what if
interpretations of interview and textual data are incontestable due to
inter-subjectivity and hermeneutic considerations? What can be the significance
of empirical social science research if observations are not generalizable
beyond the moment of observation and, thus, not representative of anything
other than of that moment of production? If we were to push some of these
propositions further, empirical research would be rendered obsolete because any
or no data could support any argument. [3]
contrast, a perspective steeped in the positivistic2) and post-positivistic tradition
would suggest that the social sciences can uncover objective and universally
valid facts by following clear procedures and rules, which include carefully
controlled observations of empirical phenomena, impartial and logical
argumentation, and objective analysis, i.e. the elimination of interpretation by
the researcher. According to the so-called scientific method, facts should be
reported objectively, rather than interpreted. [4]
our opinion, neither of these two starting positions is particularly helpful in
qualitative research. An extreme subjectivistic position is untenable because
it is not falsifiable in that all data and their interpretations are valid a
priori, while a (post-) positivistic position is untenable because observation,
analysis, and interpretation are bound to be subjective (see also the
contributions of FIELDING and MOTTIER in this volume). As elegant and
parsimonious as these two positions may be in theory, we must abandon them in
order to elaborate quality criteria that, although lacking in universalism, may
be more useful for qualitative research. [5]
fundamentally, any observed "fact" has already been interpreted at
least in the sense that meaning has been assigned to an empirical observation.
Description, explanation, prediction, and the assessment of causes and
consequences of social phenomena cannot be achieved in the absence of
evaluation and interpretation. To understand is to interpret. Most disciplines
in the social sciences have long recognized the interplay between context,
culture and tradition, our senses, and our understanding. Strangely, these
factors are generally considered only in terms of the people whom we study.
Sometimes we recognize the importance of context in the interpretation of
empirical data when we discuss the research process in abstract terms, but we
tend to fail to take into consideration contextual elements when we elaborate a
research question or present our substantive research results. Yet it is not
only those we study who are stuck in a subjectively constructed reality within
which meaning is elaborated; we researchers, as we attribute meaning to
empirical phenomena, are equally stuck in our own subjectivity (e.g. GERGEN
1973; WEBER 1949/1977). While we make sense of empirical observations by
attributing meanings to them, two elements prevent us from grasping empirical
observations objectively: first, social science data is produced within a
particular political, historical, and socio-cultural context and, second,
researchers themselves belong to various cultures and traditions (e.g.
academic, political, historical, socio-cultural). These two interconnected
elements—the contextualized research phenomenon and the contextualized
researcher—contribute in different ways to the impossibility of sensing and
describing anything without interpretation. Rather than considering these
contexts as extrinsic and undesirable side-products or sources of bias, which
must be eliminated in order to get at objective data and their unbiased
interpretation, we have to concede that it is precisely these contexts that
provide us with their significance in terms of "meaning frames," and
which permit us to understand and communicate empirical observations. While
there certainly exists a reality independent of our understanding thereof, in
order to conceive and understand any phenomenon, we must capture
"external" reality through observation, i.e. translate bits of
information from an objectively unknowable reality into subjectively
interpreted and context-bound, yet knowable, realities. [6]
position implies a controversy: on the one hand, we are unable to access an
objective and universal understanding of empirical phenomena but, on the other,
we wish to evaluate the quality of incommensurable truth-claims. What quality
guidelines can we adopt for the empirical social and political science research
process that acknowledge the subjective and interpretative nature of our
endeavors while, concurrently, convey findings that are both empirically
rigorous and credible? [7]
considerations in empirical research tend to be addressed by the concepts
"validity" and "reliability," especially in the areas of
psychometrics and econometrics. We will critically examine some possibilities
of these concepts, while concurrently realizing that we cannot simply transpose
these two concepts from one theoretical basis to another.3) [8]
make our task more manageable, we will separate conceptually the research
process into four parts:
- elaboration of a research question;
- data collection;
- data analysis; and
- interpretation. [9]
do this because quality concerns relate differently to these four areas and
because we would like to emphasize that, contrary to many texts on research
methods, data collection and data analysis are two interdependent, yet
separate, research processes. For example, unobtrusive or participant
observation, interviews, and focus groups are usually thought of as qualitative
research methods. Upon closer examination, however, it becomes clear that these
methods relate primarily to how data is collected, i.e. they are data
collection methods. Data analysis methods, i.e. things we do with our
observations after they are collected, may include some forms of content
analysis, narrative analysis, discourse analysis, etc. In practice, of course,
data collection and analysis are closely related. However, separating these
processes conceptually into sub-processes—collection and analysis—exposes
different aspects of quality considerations because things we can do to improve
the quality of our research during the collection process differ from those we
can do to improve the quality of analysis and interpretation. [10]
issues relate to the quality of qualitative research methods that emerge during
the conceptualization and elaboration of a research question: choice of a
meta-theory and assumptions associated with a particular approach. By the time
researchers find themselves in charge of a research project, they tend to be
fully socialized within a particular research tradition. Departments dominated
by a particular meta-theory, supervisors subscribing to specific ideologies,
theories, and views, or funding bodies' explicit or implicit preferences for
certain approaches tend to direct scholars into specific ways of conceiving,
conducting, and presenting their research. For instance, while one political
science department may be supportive of studies on how and why gender is
important to the study of political behavior, another department may find such
questions irrelevant to the subject and relegate them to the Center of Gender
Studies. Thus, institutionalized traditions or preferences provide different
colored and shaped lenses through which research questions are selected and
conceptualized. Approaches marked by symbolic interactionism, DURKHEIMian
structuralism, rational choice theory, Marxism, functionalism, psychoanalytic
theory, feminist theory, historicism, etc. are likely to find different answers
to similar questions, regardless of how carefully the studies are being
conducted. More precisely, meta theoretical approaches make different
assumptions about human thought and action and, thus, are likely to accumulate,
code, analyze, and interpret data differently. Most researchers simply follow a
particular tradition, whether or not they are conscious thereof. Only the most
optimistic and zealous converts of a meta-theory would proclaim outright
victory of one fundamental theory over another (e.g. rational choice theory vs.
symbolic interactionism) based on empirical evidence. [11]
national resource center should not partake in discussions about which
meta-theory should be adopted for a research project. This is clearly a
decision for researchers and their institutions. Usually, researchers already
work within a particular framework, whether or not they are aware of it.
However, a resource center can assist in examining the specific assumptions
underlying a particular meta-theory and, accordingly, make suggestions as to
what data and analytical methods may be suitable for such a study. In addition,
this center could maintain a well-documented catalogue or inventory, made up of
prior research studies in the qualitative tradition. [12]
to the selection of a fundamental theory are a priori knowledge and
assumptions, which guide not only the choice of a research topic, but also the
definition of the constructs and the scope of the study. Generally, we are
unable to select all aspects which relate to a research topic. Only a few of the
potential aspects relating to a research topic are recognized and, of these,
only a very few are explicitly examined in the course of the research process.
For example, the study of risky sexual behavior could include issues relating
to age, gender, social position, sexual identity, national, regional and
cultural considerations, morals, perceptions of agency, the Zeitgeist,
economics, personal and collective histories, religiosity, motives, attitudes,
behaviors, values, cognitions, affect, peer and reference groups, childhood
experiences, relations with parents throughout the life span, relationship
history, etc. This list represents only a subgroup of aspects that could be
studied. Furthermore, while most of these aspects may be relevant to risky sexual
behavior, only a small group of potential aspects related to our research topic
can be studied. Frequently, the selection process about aspects which
eventually find their way into a research project are based on not only their
relevance to the topic but fulfill other criteria, such as the interest,
ability, experience, and habits of the researcher, the requirements and
restrictions by the funding body, the coherence between the aspects, research
findings from related fields or other countries, access to data, familiarity
with specific analytic methods, etc. [13]
here, a national resource center should not interfere with the choices relating
to the elements included in, or excluded from, a study. Instead, it could
assist in examining the coherence of the elements with each other, as well as
the line of argumentation which ties these elements together. [14]
detrimental research decisions have been made long before the "doing"
of research in terms of data collection and analysis. Simply the choice of a
research topic and aspects relating to it, as well as the meta-theory from
which the researcher is examining the topic, preclude objective and unbiased
examination in a positivistic sense. While unfocused research goes everywhere
and, thus, nowhere, focused research often tells us as much about the
researchers and their context as it does about the subject under investigation.
the reliability and validity of a research project based on the choice of
meta-theory is futile. General discussions about whether Marxist theory is
better or worse than rational choice theory, for instance, should probably be
left to ideologues. It is far more fruitful to be aware of the specific
ideological baggage as this may allow us at times to be self-critical in terms
of the limitations embedded in all conceptualizations of the research questions
and their relevant constructs, the interpretative tasks during the sorting and
classification of data, and inferences that are drawn from the results of an
analysis. [16]
2.2 Data collection4)
quality of the data collection process in qualitative methods can be divided
conceptually into the quality of the instrument or other method of data
collection, and the quality of the data obtained from the instrument. To keep
this topic manageable, we will limit our discussion to quality concerns as they
relate to interviews and focus groups. Nevertheless, similar arguments can be
made toward other data collection methods, including documental research or
observational methods. [17]
number of conditions are placed on observable phenomena which are selected to
the status of data: we assign the status of data to that which we are able to
observe, which we think is relevant to answering our research question, and
which, for various reasons, we give priority over other empirical observations
that may also be observable and relevant. The subjective nature of the choice
and detection of data with respect to researchers and their context has been
discussed above. Data collection is a process of selectively choosing empirical
phenomena and attributing relevance to them with respect to the research question.
Therefore, data are nothing but interpreted observations and our findings are
strongly dependent upon what we accord the status of data (e.g. COOMBS 1964).
All the baggage which shapes our selection criteria, whether or not we are
aware of it, shapes also the body of raw data through, for example, question
phrasing, probed responses, and a variety of non-verbal cues, which enter the
interaction between researchers, their data collection methods and devices, and
respondents. [18]
following example will illustrate the subjective nature of the research process
as it relates to data collection. Let us assume that we want to determine the
similarities and differences between men and women with regard to how they
conceptualize relationships. If we ask interviewees "What do you think are
the differences between men and women with regard to relationships?" the
respondents are likely to focus on differences. Data obtained from exploratory
interviews on the differences between men and women differ indeed markedly from
data obtained from interviews that explored the question "What do you
think are the similarities between men and women with regard to
relationships?" In addition, most interviewees assume that the interview
is about romantic relationships between men and women. If we were interested in
what our respondents believe are the differences and similarities between men
and women with regard to relationships, either of the two interview questions
(an exploration of differences and similarities of romantic relationships) is
flawed because, first, the instrument did not address sufficiently the research
question (i.e. similarities and differences) and, second, it may not accurately
reflect the subject under investigation because, although not stated explicitly
by the interviewer, the respondents assume that the topic under investigation
is about romantic relations. If the interviewer is unaware of what was
understood by the participant, an analysis of data from either of the two
interview questions would lead to incorrect conclusions. [19]
order to assure that the interviewee understands the questions in the way
intended, we suggest, as one possible strategy, to conduct at least two types
of pilot studies. First, we propose to conduct unstructured, exploratory
interviews in which we ask interviewees to describe key concepts relating to
our research question (e.g. types and boundaries of relationships, types and
boundaries of intimacy). Second, using this material to help us construct our
interview schedule (or questionnaire), we ask interviewees to paraphrase each
of the questions and to tell us what they think we are trying to assess. The
data we obtain from these pilot studies reveal not only various aspects of
research methodology (e.g. question order, question threat) but also
substantial information about the topic under investigation with regard to
participants' assumptions about what the researcher knows or wants to know. In
short, the pilot studies give us insight into whether we understand sufficiently
what the respondents mean when they refer to certain key terms. During the
process of constructing the research question and the associated instruments,
the importance of pilot studies in close collaboration with members of the
study population cannot be overemphasized. [20]
can be said about various aspects of data quality. Here, we merely use one of
these, internal consistency, to demonstrate the issue. [21]
social psychologists have demonstrated that people are often inconsistent:
their behaviors seem inconsistent with stated attitudes or values, behaviors
seem inconsistent with other behaviors, attitudes and values seem inconsistent
with each other, etc. When we talk about internal consistency in people's
narratives during focus groups or interviews, we are not trying to create
consistency where none exists. Instead, we are looking for apparent
inconsistencies that indicate yet unexamined or misinterpreted aspects relating
to our research theme. For example, during an interview, the following
statement was made by a male interviewee:
and women are pretty much exactly the same. Both women and men are looking for
gentleness, erotic moments, closeness, relief from tension. At times in my
life, I have looked for lifelong commitments, and I know of women, who are
seeking erotic fantasy and an affair. But I often think that women are more
moody. Of course, this may have something to do with the female biological
cycle but, honestly, I think there are no differences between them." [22]
we were to take this passage at face value, we could either conclude from it
that the interviewee does not see any difference between men and women with
regard to relationships or, alternatively, that the respondent believes in the
differences between men and women since he stated that women are more moody
based on biological difference. This passage reveals interesting
inconsistencies or at least tension between the two interpretations. To explore
the tension, i.e. to seek a clearer understanding, the interviewer had to
probe. The following is the subsequent exchange:
Does this mean that "being moody" would be one
of the differences between men and women with regard to relationships?
No. Well, yes, but that does not mean that men cannot be
Are there any other things that come to your mind where
men are different from women?
No, not really.
So if there are two people, one of them wants a long-term
relationship and the other wants an erotic adventure, an affair—which one
would you guess is the women and which one is the man?
I don't know. They both can have affairs.
But if you had to choose. If you had to put money on this.
Well, that's obvious. The man would be the one who wants
an affair, and the woman is the one who wants a long-term relationship.
That's what's in their nature. [23]
interviewer detected the inconsistency in the initial statements, i.e. that
there is no difference between men and women versus the idea that women are
more moody, apparently due to their biology. The lack of internal consistency
within one statement alerted the interviewer that he may have misunderstood the
statement, or that there may be explanations beyond this apparent
inconsistency, which would reveal further aspects about the interviewee's
position. Through probes, the interviewer was able to reveal that the
interviewee clearly differentiated between the possibility and the probability
of characteristics and behavior patterns between men and women. In other words,
when the interviewee stated that there are no differences between men and
women, he meant that all characteristics or behavior patters are possible for
both men and women. In contrast, certain characteristics were rated as more or
less probable, according to gender. In sum, the interviewer was able to find
out a great deal about the position of the respondent, simply by probing the
apparently inconsistent information. More generally, we advocate research
designs in which the collection of meta-data allows for an empirical assessment
of the meaning construction within the immediate context by the respondent,
rather than imputing these based on scant information by the researcher. While
this may be too costly for many projects, we nevertheless strongly urge
researchers to consider explorations of this kind at least during the pilot
stage of a study. The old adage "No data is better than bad data"
comes to mind here. [24]
national resource center can assist in exploring consistency issues in a number
of ways, including the examination of the questionnaire schedule, review of the
interview or focus group process, exploration of the degree of detail of the
collected data, adequacy of audio or video data for subsequent analysis,
sampling procedures, explicit incorporation of context, etc. Given that the
interview or focus group is fundamentally an interaction between the topic, the
researcher, and the respondents, however, a micro-analytic examination of the
data would go beyond the capacity of a resource center, which could only help
in the training of interviewers and facilitators of focus groups, as well as
reviewing the overall research design, question order, phrasing, wording, and
integrity of the instrument. [25]
have discussed quality concerns relating to focus groups and interviews only insofar
as they deal with the conceptualization of a research question and data
collection. But, as stated at the beginning, a conceptual distinction between
different aspects of the research process does not imply that conceptualization
of the research question, data collection, analysis, and interpretation can be
separated in practice. For instance, in-depth interviewing usually includes an
implicit or explicit analysis, at least in terms of an exploration of what
respondents mean when the say or do something during the interview. We use
probes extensively during interviews to find out what interviewees mean, or to
obtain more detailed information, but this also implies a pre-analysis and
construction of meaning during the interview process. While chronologically
separate from subsequent analysis of interview data, probes constitute a form
of (pre-)analysis in that they are often based upon an on-the-spot, ad hoc
analysis of the content of an interviewee's statement. For instance, when an
interviewee states that he does not consider himself at risk of HIV infection
despite being sexually active, we may use probes not only to find out why he
holds this view, but also what, precisely, he understands by "risky"
and "safe" behavior. By using probes in this way, we attempt to
determine not only the respondents' positions on an issue, but also which
aspects they connect with this issue and what relevance such aspects have to
their positions. We may have specific a priori theories in our mind when we
formulate probes, or we may want to confirm if we understand the answer in the
way it was intended to be understood. While probes represent a formidable means
of clarification and acquiring additional information, they also clearly
present strong cues to an interviewee. Awareness of their effect may help
assess the degree to which the response has been formed by the interviewees'
preconceived notions about the interview or the interviewer. [26]
far, we have outlined specific issues relating to the consistency and credibility,
or reliability and validity, as they relate to data collection. We have
separated somewhat artificially the conceptualization of a research question
and data collection techniques. However, as we have argued throughout, most
decisions taken during the research process reflect preconceptions, i.e.
pre-analyses; so, in practice, conceptualization, data collection, data
analysis, and interpretation are iterative and irreducibly linked. [27]
will now turn to some examples of quality criteria related to the analysis and
interpretation of data. Here again, we will comment on how these may or may not
be pursued in conjunction with a national resource center for qualitative
methods. [28]
order to analyze and interpret empirical phenomena in the course of conducting
research in the qualitative tradition, researchers are engaged in sorting and
labeling. The subjective element inherent in these processes is well known (cf.
BAUMEISTER 1987; BERGMAN 2000, 2002; COOMBS 1964; CUSHMAN 1990; GEERTZ 1975,
1988; GERGEN 1973; GIDDENS 1976; JAHODA 1993; SHERIF & SHERIF 1967; VAN
DIJK 1998; WEBER 1949/1977). Researchers tend to deal with the subjective
element in empirical research in one of three ways: accept subjectivity as an unavoidable
shortcoming; consider this a fault that can be partially eliminated through
careful research design; or embrace this phenomenon as a natural part of
research. Here, we will examine different aspects of subjectivity in the
analytical and interpretative process and discuss the extent to which research
design may or may not improve on the quality of interpretations. [29]
identification of presences and absences, as well as similarities and
differences between empirical phenomena is the foundation on which meaning and
understanding is based. The process of (re)creating categories, their content,
their boundaries, and their relations to each other is central to thought and
actions. As COXON states:
and classification—putting a number of things into a smaller number of groups
and being able to give the rule by which such allocation is made—are probably
the most fundamental operations in thinking and language and are central to a
wide variety of disciplines" (1999, p.1). [30]
part of the research process, categorization5) needs to be understood in a wider
sense: first, in terms of its socio-cultural and political precursors, which
give rise to the particularities of categorization, while inhibiting or making
impossible others. Second, categorization in itself is fundamental to human
understanding. As stated by Jerome BRUNER and his colleagues: "perceiving
or registering an object or an event in the environment involves an act of
categorization" (1956, S.92), and through this act of categorization, the
object or event is concurrently imbued with meaning. Third, salient features
and context of an event or position qualify the type, content, and boundaries
of categories. [31]
to the social and political sciences are typologies which are a function of
sorting and categorizing. Knowledge and meaning of all kind is produced,
understood, and communicated through categories. In connection with the
association between categorization and knowledge, it is obvious that it is not
things or events themselves that produce categories but, first, the
interpretation of the salient features of the things or events; second, pre-existing
interpretations that set conditions and limitations for subsequent
interpretations of certain features of things and events; and, third, the
ability and power to impose the meaning embedded in these interpretations over
other, alternative interpretations.6) Categorizations are a function of
how meaning is constructed and, thus, related to socio-cultural norms, values,
customs, ideology, practices, etc. Therefore, they influence needs to be
understood less as a bias (i.e. something that needs to be "controlled"
or eliminated in order to get to the truth) in our effort to sort and
categorize empirical phenomena but rather as a framework of knowledge and
reference from which empirical observations can be classified and, thus,
understood and communicated. [32]
now, we emphasized the subjective, context-dependent, and socio-cultural nature
of categorization during the analytical process. Accordingly, it may appear
contradictory to introduce the concept of validity. Many researchers and
methodologists believe that validity and subjectivity are irreconcilable
because of their different epistemological positions: validity supposedly
belongs to a positivistic paradigm, while subjectivity belongs to research
endeavors of "the other" traditions (e.g. postmodern, qualitative,
interpret(at)ive, or ethnographic).7) [33]
and foremost, it is the research question and the elements associated with this
question that drive data collection and, thus, influence the type of categories
and sorting rules. Frequently, however, one finds that the link between the
research question and the data is not entirely convincing. In this sense, John
TUKEY proposed a Type III error, i.e. the greatest threat to validity is asking
the wrong questions of the data (cited in RAIFFA 1968). To explore this problem
more closely, let us examine the actual process of sorting and how it relates
to validity. [34]
or categorizing is the process of ordering empirical observations with regard
to their similarity (or dissimilarity). The function of categorization in the
research process is to sort empirical phenomena according to rules that are
believed to relate to a specific research question. Categories, however, are
not only based on naturally occurring patterns (e.g. the classification of
chemical elements according to their weight, structure, or affinity to other
elements)8) but, more importantly for the
social sciences, are active constructions, which researchers impose on data.
Multiple sorting of the same data often vary based on the research focus and
theoretical paradigm. Thus, empirical judgments about the degree of similarity
are dependent on the categories and the boundaries of the categories that the
researcher is applying to an available set of empirical observations. Such
categories effect in both degree and kind processes of perception and
interpretation. In other words, a set of empirical phenomena are sorted
according to meaning structures that both pre-exist and emerge from the sorting
process, which, in turn, confirm the categories that are applied to the sorting
process of empirical phenomena. Yet, categorization is not a purely
intraindividual or egocentric process; rather, the researcher's social and
cultural environment pre- and proscribes to a large extent the categories,
their content, and their boundaries. Socio-cultural influences on the
categorization process operate in at least two ways: first, they are influenced
by shared rules, i.e. values, norms, ideologies, etc.; second, they are
influenced by the immediate context, which conditions cultural rules and
classification itself.9) [35]
far, the structuring of socio-cultural influences has been emphasized. However,
to reduce categorization to collectively shared meaning structures would not do
justice to human understanding and agency. Categorization, although always
socially and culturally bound, is not only a product of a collective or
culture. At first glance contradictory, this statement emphasizes a subtle
difference between encultured and culture-bound human processes: no non-trivial
thought or action can be conceived of that occurs independent of culture, yet
culture does not always, and rarely entirely, pre- and proscribe a particular
interpretation of empirical phenomena. Under certain conditions, for example
novel situations or contradictions (which are particularly present in empirical
research), socio-cultural interpretations may be either totally absent or at
least not salient. But even when confronted with novel or contradictory
phenomena, the researcher is neither likely to stop interpreting, nor capable
of interpretation beyond pre-existing and culture-bound meaning structures.
Instead, interpretation will take place based on both the unique context as
experienced by the interpreter, as well as by the matching of the novel or
contradictory phenomena to socialized and encultured explanations that render
the novel or contradictory understandable and coherent. [36]
can be applied to any entity that can be empirically or theoretically captured,
e.g. situations, individuals, families, groups, tribes, organizations,
cultures, nations, actions, words, statements, themes, phrases, pictures,
sounds, odors, interactions, networks, systems, statuses, concepts, time
periods, practices, social arrangements, theories, artifacts, architectural
styles, facial expressions, etc. Furthermore, classification may include
comparative aspects such as gender groups, nationalities, age groups, social
class, educational achievement, etc. [37]
analysis begins before data has been collected. As Clyde COOMBS (1964)
appropriately observed, empirical phenomena, which are eventually raised to the
status of data, are but a tiny subset of observable phenomena. As shown in
Figure 1, only a fraction of potentially observable (but, for whatever reasons,
unobserved) empirical phenomena relevant to a research question are actually
considered by a researcher, and only a fraction of this subgroup eventually
ends up as research data. As such, a pre-sorting of empirical phenomena takes
place, where observable empirical phenomena are implicitly divided into data
and non-data. Selection criteria in this process include a multitude of
decisions such as the researchers' methodological and theoretical preferences,
convenience of acquisition, cost, researcher and academic habits, preferences
expressed by supervisors or research funding bodies, etc. As VAN MAANEN,
MANNING and MILLER state: "Deciding what is to count as a unit of analysis
is fundamentally an interpretive issue requiring judgment and choice"
(1986, p.5) or as COXON observes more generally: "the answer to the
question of 'What do I do with the information once I have collected it?"
is ... going to depend in large part on decisions already made and on what
assumptions the researcher [brings] to interpreting the observations"
(1999, p.5).
Figure 1: Types of Empirical Phenomena [38]
data selection, i.e. identifying data from a larger set of empirical
observations, is dependent on judgment and choice, and if these are strongly
linked to the context within which researchers operate (BERGMAN 2002), it
stands to reason that researchers may have to justify their choices. The
appropriateness of data, as well as the appropriateness of selection of
collection and analytical procedures, is demonstrated in at least four ways:
- Authority arguments: Claims about the appropriateness of a theory, statement, assumption, or procedure are often made through direct reference to what the authors consider reputable individuals, groups, or institutions. For example, citations of well-known academics (e.g. "According to Prof. Smith at Harvard University ..."), political figures, NGOs, and think tanks (e.g. "For years, UNICEF has shown that ...") are often used to argue for a particular choice of data, procedure, or categorization. Clearly, this is an effective way to justify research procedures and findings and can be thought of as cohort validity. Of course, skilled authors are able to selectively make authority arguments that bolster a particular line of argument, so this strategic verification of knowledge, although effective and widespread, is the most threatening to the integrity of a study and its results.
- Prior empirical studies: Obviously, it is nearly impossible to conduct research within an established area without comparing and contrasting it with the empirical work of prior studies. To insert one's study into the landscape of prior research in a particular area, authors cite empirical studies in order to either align or distance themselves with regard to paradigms, theories, approaches, or procedures. Authors routinely employ phrases such as "What Smith and Brown failed to consider ..." or "As JOHNSON has convincingly demonstrated ...". Beyond embedding a research project within a discipline and research area, this strategy also serves as an authority argument, similar to that described above. A citation of a "scientific article," particularly if authored by an authoritative figure, is a far stronger discursive strategy to justify a particular approach, compared to simple authority arguments. It has to be admitted, however, that a careful selection and (re)interpretation of the "relevant literature" entails a significant amount of strategic positioning and, thus, relies heavily on cohort validity as well.
- Theory: As already discussed in the first part of this article, the theoretical framework pre- and proscribes to a great extent not only what will count as relevant data, but also how data is to be analyzed and interpreted. For example, Marxist approaches will be steeped in class conflict and analyze data accordingly, while rational choice theory will have different criteria not only for what constitutes relevant data, but how this data should be analyzed and interpreted. As before, while a theory imposes a priori limits to what can be studied and how, it also allows for a more coherent way to conceive of, conduct, and communicate research findings.
- Logical Argument: Selecting and strategically presenting authority arguments, prior empirical research, and theories are only one way in which logical argument justifies some research decisions over others. Comparing and contrasting, summarizing, synthesizing are also activities that help justify data selection and analysis. Sorting rules, i.e. based on what grounds certain categories have been selected, and empirical examples, i.e. how empirical evidence "fits" into the categories, also heavily rely on logical argument. Neither data nor categories speak for themselves but must be explained and justified. [39]
four tools are obviously interdependent, e.g. authority arguments are often
linked to prior empirical studies and, through crafty use of logic (and either
omission or deconstruction of counter-arguments), can be combined to make
analytical and interpretative choices appear consistent and coherent. [40]
impose conditions on their data and the categorization process that invariably
lead to an oversimplification of findings. So-called "lumpers," for
instance, may be able to devise a dichotomous categorization system for all
world societies (e.g. individualistic vs. collectivistic societies; oriental
vs. occidental cultures), while "splitters" will argue that, due to
the complexity and uniqueness of societies, none can be compared with another.10) However, whatever categories we
will propose, they are always, by definition, imperfect approximations that do
not do justice to the within-category variation. Important to this idea for our
purposes is that this relativistic insight does not free researchers from
convincing their audience of the coherence of their classification, their
contents, and their boundaries. Once again, the four tools mentioned
above—authority, previous studies, theory, and logic—will have to be used to
achieve this goal. In this sense, it is less important to know how many
cultures there may be but rather how cultural categories were established and
by what empirical evidence this classification can be sustained. [41]
an attempt to establish the validity of a classification (i.e. preventing
selective reporting and overinterpretation of data), researchers often attempt
to establish inter-rater reliability,11) i.e. the convergence of sorting
of the same material between two or more raters. This can be done formally,
e.g. hiring research assistants as raters, or informally, e.g. trying to
convince a supervisor or research partner. In more formal pursuits, a measure
of association, most frequently a correlation coefficient, supposedly indicates
the degree of inter-rater reliability and, by implication, convergence of a
"correct reading" of the data. In other words, it is believed that if
different raters produce very similar classifications of a set of stimuli, the
classification is somehow correct and this correctness can be expressed by a
statistic. [42]
a high convergence between two raters may imply other aspects: First, the
simpler the sorting rules, the more likely raters will converge. For instance,
the number of occurrences of the word freedom in a given set of presidential
speeches is likely to lead to high convergence. But such simplicity is bought
at a cost: frequency of a term tells us very little about the meaning that this
frequency holds. The more complex the coding rule, the more raters are likely
to diverge. However, this does not mean that social science should limit itself
to simplistic coding schemes. Instead, the more complex the scheme, the more it
has to be explicitly elaborated which, consequently, is likely to lead to
greater convergence between raters. [43]
and particularly applicable to more complex coding schemes, convergence of
ratings often depend on a shared meaning space. This meaning space, as elaborated
earlier, is culturally conditioned and contextually moderated. Detecting
discursive strategies about sexually risky behavior, for instance, may strongly
depend on the familiarity of the linguistic, social, historical, and cultural
environment within which narratives are produced. The more both raters share
the same conceptual and meaning frames, the more likely will their ratings
converge. [44]
and related to the previous point, training has a large influence of
inter-rater reliability. Before raters are let loose on the data, they are
often carefully selected (relationship with the researcher, field, approach,
etc.) and trained (e.g. theoretical background of the research, research
hypotheses, practice runs to see whether they understand and apply the coding
scheme correctly, etc.). While it is unlikely that two raters will converge
with their ratings if they do not agree on the research question and sorting
rules, 7such agreement and the sharing of a socio-cultural meaning space may
create a fictitious sense of validity as alternative, also valid
interpretations have been eliminated by the training process. [45]
a convergence of ratings, either formally or informally, is a necessary but
insufficient condition to validate a coding scheme or its content. In sum, we
do not expect raters who apply different rules or a different logic to converge
with their ratings, but some convergence should take place if raters follow
similar rules and logic. [46]
national resource center for qualitative methods would have several strategies
at its disposal to help establish and maintain quality standards. These
strategies include teaching, consulting, maintaining an information base, and
research. [47]
our opinion, the teaching of research methods is the most effective long-term
strategy to help establish and maintain quality standards in qualitative
methods. Efforts in this area should be based not only on cooperation with
universities by offering university-based courses (including summer school
courses), but also by offering short-term courses for researchers and
practitioners who are unable to attend university courses for a variety of
reasons (cf. BERGMANN 1999, 2001). Effectiveness in the diffusion of
information about such courses could take place in close collaboration with
research funding institutions, such as the National Science Foundation, the
Health Department, or other relevant organizations, such the Swiss Political
Association, the Swiss Sociological Association, the Swiss Psychological
Association, the Swiss Evaluation Society, etc. [48]
professional consulting service should be part of a resource center. There are
two constraints that need to be considered with regard to this service. Due to
resource limitations, it will not be possible to offer such services to the
entire research community. Instead, some rules should be elaborated that would
make consultation requests more manageable. These could include, but are not
limited to, giving preference to advanced graduate student projects or publicly
funded research. Another limitation relates to a potential conflict of
authority. More precisely, any consultation must take place with the explicit
consent of the project or thesis supervisor in order to avoid a conflict of
opinion, authority, or interest. [49]
maintenance of an information base on qualitative methods would mainly consist
of a regularly updated website. This site should include university courses
relating to qualitative methods in Switzerland, information on national and
international summer schools that offer courses in qualitative methods, and
links to web-sites that specialize in qualitative methods, including discussion
forums, software, and other relevant resources. [50]
the most effective resource centers of this kind are places where
state-of-the-art research is not only preached, but also practiced. To make
this option financially viable, one could envision project-specific
collaborations with researchers from universities and other institutions. In
addition, non-stipendiary visiting fellowships have had success in other
countries and could potentially find success in Switzerland also. [51]
hope to have demonstrated in this article that quality concerns should be an
integral and explicit part in qualitative research. While practically all
research decisions in the research process, from the inception of a research
question to the interpretation of findings, depend to some extent on subjective
evaluation and judgment, it does not relieve researchers from making these
elements as explicit as possible—less to make the research content but instead
the research process more coherent and convincing. Whether or not researchers
coin their own terminology because they reject constructs that may have emerged
from another epistemological tradition, or whether they begin their quality
considerations by adopting the existing terminology is not important at this
point. Instead, it is the accountability of research practices through explicit
description of research steps, which allow an audience to judge the
plausibility of a particular study and its findings. In this sense, SWANBORN
(1996) proposes to expose the reader to methodological decisions and interpretative
judgments. SEALE (1999) goes further and suggests making the research community
the arbiter of quality in the hope that, through a form of democratic
negotiation within the research community, quality procedures and guidelines
emerge. He states:
that we are usually left with, once individualistic, paranoid and egotistical
tendencies have finally played themselves out, are some rather well-worn
principles for encouraging cooperative human enterprises ... a research
community exists, to which researchers in practice must relate and which
possesses various mechanisms of reward and sanctions for encouraging
good-quality research work ..." (1999, pp.30-31). [52]
just as democracies cannot protect us from paranoid and egotistical leadership,
so the agreement among the majority of experts (or their elected spokespersons)
fails to guarantee the quality of research procedures and interpretations.
Moreover, only in very abstract terms can we speak of the nearly always divided
research community in the singular. Instead, research communities are usually
ruled as fiefdoms and jealously guarded against invasion or revolution (e.g.
KUHN 1962). [53]
concerns, in whatever language they are translated, should always be present at
each research decision. Although it will never be possible to prove that a
procedure or result is valid in an objective sense, making quality concerns a
"fertile obsession" (LATHER 1993) will render empirical research far
more plausible and convincing. And this is very timely as qualitative research
has left the defensive trenches and is now in many areas well integrated in the
policy and governance process. [54]
1) Parts of this paper have appeared
previously (BERGMAN 2000, 2002; BERGMAN & COXON 2002). This paper was
financed in part by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant
number 3346-61710: Sexual Interaction and the Dynamics of Intimacy in the
Context of HIV/AIDS) and by SIDOS. We would like to thank the students and
staff of the Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection
for stimulating discussions about qualitative methods. <back>
2) We use this term rather loosely
here, i.e. in a manner that is representative of current epistemological
discussions in the literature on qualitative methods. Some would argue that
what we "really" mean with positivism is indeed empiricism. However,
this terminology would be confusing as well because even interpretive methods,
the set of qualitative methods that proclaims greatest distance to positivism,
deal with empirical evidence, i.e. data, and, as such, have to be considered
empirical in their nature. <back>
3) It has often been suggested that
these terms are inappropriate since they have emerged from a positivistic
tradition. However, we argue that concerns about data quality transcend
positivism; while we have nothing against coining new terms, particularly if
this would avoid the conceptual baggage that may be attached to a certain
terminology, we believe that we may want to examine existing tools before
adding new terms to potentially similar concepts. <back>
4) We have omitted micro-analytic
themes about data collection during the interview or focus group process, which
have been covered in many how-to books on the individual techniques. <back>
5) We will use the terms
"categorization," "sorting," and "clustering"
interchangeably in order to avoid monotony of terminology. <back>
6) These fundamental ideas have been
discussed in far greater detail in phenomenology and serve here merely to
emphasize these processes of interpretative research and its links to validity
concerns of research-based categories and knowledge production. <back>
8) Strictly speaking, no
"naturally occurring categories" exist for two reasons: first,
because selection of units such as weight and atomic structure over other
considerations are based on particular foci that cannot be considered
exhaustive; second, because the importance of criteria such as weight or
structure need to be established within a particular theory or paradigm. For
example, the classification of elements in the periodic table, despite its
order according to physical qualities, is by no means the only, some would say,
best, way to classify elements. <back>
10) The degree of cultural consensus
around meaning structures has been studied extensively (e.g. ARABIE, CAROLL
& DESARBO 1987; ROMNEY, WELLER & BATCHELDER 1986) and is one of the
main foci of the software package Anthropac (BORGATTI 1989). Applying these
principles to the research activity itself, i.e. sorting and classifying data
within the qualitative tradition, may shed light on why and how raters differ. <back>
11) Also known as inter-coder
reliability or triangulation, although the latter is a far more inclusive term
(see DENZIN 1970). <back>
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